Health and Weight Control -
"... be in health even as your soul prospers ..." 3 John 2
B.O.D.Y. by Christ (BBC) has been birthed out of my own personal struggle with weight control. It is a Christian-based health and weight control seminar designed to teach participants how to properly feed the body the way God designed and how to refocus attention away from food and overeating on to the will of God in the areas of food, diets and exercise. Each participant should expect to shed unwanted pounds at at rate of 2 pounds a week, applying the principles taught in this awesome semninar, as well as gain significant spiritual strength that will help to overcome in all areas of life!
Participants are encouraged to consult with their physician before embarking on any wight loss program.

For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me..." Matthew 25: 35-36
Collecting new and gently used clothing for those in need of personal and professional development in the
Prince George's County Maryland Community
All Donations are tax deductible.
Please see Events Calendar below for all other outreach efforts
B.O.D.Y by Christ (BBC) Support Ministry
B.O.D.Y. by Christ (BBC) Support Ministry provides accountability and support to those needing added support during their journey to freedom from the bondages of sin - following either reading "No Longer Bound" by Thea A. Wilson or by taking the B.O.D.Y by Christ class or workshop. Utilizing both group and one-on-one encouragement along with both practical and spiritual instruction, we will coach you on to victory!
The ministry meets every 2nd Wednesday of each month from 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. - First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Maryland - 600 Watkins Park Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774. To attend these dynamic sessions, please RSVP by the 2nd Monday of each month below.
Weekly Prayer Call
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."
I John 5:14 NIV
Join us every Monday morning at 6:00 A.M. for our Weekly Prayer Call designed to help you connect with other likeminded believers and to the power of God through prayer!
Dial in conference call number -
605-562-3000 access code: 659072#
Obedience School - "Obedience School" is a 3-4 day hands-on and practical workshop filled with the tools every believer needs to grow close to God. This seminar will teach practical and spiritual ways to establish a relationship with God.
Topics include: "Sit"- how to pray/worship; "Roll over" - overcoming sin and unbelief; "Play Dead"- dying to self and "Speak!" - witnessing.
Financial Freedom - this dynamic seminar will help participants understand God's principles for money, along with: budgeting through cash flow analysis, tax and estate planning and more!
"One Flesh" Seminar - In the "One Flesh" seminar, Reverend Thea and her husband of 29 years, Deacon Ronald Wilson, will share the keys to healing and strengthening your marriage. With topics such as: "So what do you do when your husband is not saved?" and "Help! I want to leave, but God says "NO!"
Using biblical instruction and their own testimony -- showing how God can change hearts and provide marital bliss when you yield to His principles and process for restoration. You will leave this seminar with the godly principles needed to repair, renew and rejuvenate what God joined together , and the tools needed to let no man separate -- to the glory of God!
For more information, please click
"Book Rev. Thea" below.
Thank you!